Living on Borrowed Time

How much time do you think you have left in this world?  While life expectancies can vary depending on many different factors, how much time do you really have left?

What if you didn't wake back up tomorrow?  How would you be remembered?

Most of us, in the first stages of our lives, wander through life trying to find meaning and purpose.  Some of us go through almost our entire lives without having meaning and purpose.  We simply listened to one or more authoritative figures and accepted their purpose for our lives as our own purpose.  Toward the final stage of life, we may come to realize that decades have been wasted and true meaning for life was never found.  Let's not be caught in that predicament.

What is the meaning of life?  What is the purpose of your life?  How are you spending your time?  Time is the equalizer of this realm.  Barring some exceptions, such as death and comatose, each of us are given the same amount of time each day.  While the time given in each day may be the same, the number of days each of us are given can be sharply different.  With all that in mind, how would you really like spend your time?

Death is inevitable.  Unless you have an amazing destiny such as Enoch and Elijah in Jewish history, you will experience death.  Death is a part of life just as birth is a part of life.  We enter this world by birth and we leave this world by death.  For what reasons were you brought into this world?   What legacy will you be leaving behind?  Where will you go in the after life?  How certain are you of such destination?  Are you willing to bet your life on it?

Maximizing Your Potential

Leaving religion out of this discussion, what are some fundamentals to reaching our full potential?  The concept of heaven or paradise is that it's a perfect place.  If an imperfect being goes to a perfect place, it would follow that the place becomes imperfect.  Therefore, we must strive to approach the limits of perfection.  In that way, when we pass on and shed our bodies, we can easily shed that which is imperfect to enter into the perfect realm.  Below are some suggestions to assist with pursuing perfection.

To help find meaning and purpose in your life, please visit the Ready for Life Ministries.

 Follow me, if it benefits you

My name is Hanh Dinh.  On January 16, 2022, I got in a car wreck that really shook up my life.  It made me think, "What if the airbags didn't deploy?" or "What if the driver door made impact with the tree instead with me right beside?"

After several days, I decided to start a video log on January 22, 2022, which was day 1 of Living on Borrowed Time.  Being a complete amateur to vlogging, I started vlogging without much structure.  In the midst of all my initial vlogging, I was still a full-time California State employee, a father, and a husband.  Therefore, to be frank, the vlog was experimental in the first few months.  After several weeks, I decided that I would consistently capture daily reflections and post the appropriate ones--ones that are thought-provoking and capture fulfilled days.

With all that said, I hope you'll enjoy the concept of Living on Borrowed Time.  It is my hope that you also recognize that you're living on borrowed time, and that it doesn't take a car wreck or some other dramatic or traumatic event to make you realize that; and after realizing that you are living on borrowed time, you'll restructure your life such that your time is well-spent to help build the kingdom of heaven.  As you build the kingdom here, I firmly believe that you'll better prepare yourself to go to heaven in the afterlife.